2023.06.01 A Good 3.5 Hours
Schumann Kreisleriana & Beethoven Sonata Op.10 No.2 & Chopin Barcarolle Op.60
I said I did a good 3.5 hours today does not mean that I am satisfied with the length of my practicing time. For a professional performer, practicing 3.5 hours a day is too little to boast of. I said I did a GOOD 4 hours because today I was super efficient. Every minute I knew what I was doing, what was the purpose of my practice, and what result I was expecting. It was really hard to constantly keep your brain awake when you are practicing (sometimes it does tend to fall half asleep or wander to detective stories or wonder about what to eat for dinner).
I corrected my first half of Kreisleriana, did my repeating exercising for Beethoven sonata 1st movement, and fingered out what I want for Barcarolle B1. I will film my Kreisleriana very soon, hope someone (I am not hoping for everyone coz that is absolutely insane) will like it, and hope the old ladies and gentlemen to whom I am going to play Kreisleriana on this Saturday in the Signature Coombe Hills Care Home will love it as well.
At 10pm, I played 'My Heart Will Go On'. A sudden crush. My cat Amai jumped out of the bed when I began to play. Was he startled by my late night affectionate love? Well, let's just hope my neighbour was not startled otherwise ...
Good Night.